What is the biggest topic in personal development as well as the most misunderstood
It is a concept that has been bastardized in so many ways that it has become a quasi-religious concept to some and a scientific principle for others.
It is the Law of Attraction, of course.
Charles F. Haanel wrote in The Master Key System that the Law of Attraction is brought into operation by a three-step process.
- Earnest Desire
- Confident Expectation
- Firm Demand
Desire. Expect. Demand.
Sound familiar?
It should.
You may have heard this stated as …
Ask. Believe. Receive.
Is that all there is, though? If we simply ask for something, then believe that we’ll get it, will we receive it just like that?
With no effort?
No fuss?
Let’s see what Haanel wrote in point #27.
This does not mean that we are to sit down and do nothing; we will do more and better work than we have ever done before.
That’s a powerful statement!
Review Week Seven of The Master Key System one more time.
Re-read the points where Haanel wrote that “work is necessary.”
Re-read where Haanel wrote that “thought will lead to action.”
Finally, re-read point #27 in which Haanel wrote that “we will do more and better work than we have ever done before.”
You will take action.
You will work hard.
You will work better.
That’s why if you read the stories of the richest people in the world, you’ll quickly find that without exception the one thing they claim as the “secret” to their successes is hard work.
Yes, the “secret” to the Law of Attraction is to set your goals …
… believe that you can achieve those goals …
… then work hard …
… while having complete faith that you will attain everything that you desire.
As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote …
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
Get these books to learn more about applying the Law of Attraction in your life.