In order to be able to do things, you must have power. Being spiritual or attaining mastery does not mean going without things or becoming self-denying, as an ascetic.
How can you help others if you are not sufficiently powerful?
Only a person with wealth can donate to a charity.
Only a person with strength can defend the little man.
Only a person with knowledge can give advice to the unexperienced.
The way you get power is to be of service. The more you give, the more you get.
For example, suppose two people invested in a stock and the stock over time doubled in value. The first person invested $1,000, thus he increased his wealth to $2,000, a profit of $1,000. The second person invested $10,000. His wealth increased to $20,000 and he profited $10,000!
The same holds true for all aspects of life: relationships, learning, work, and play. If you wish to learn mathematics, the person who does more exercises or practice problems (gives more) will be the one who learns more. The person who invests more of himself at work will be the person who is promoted more often. A musician cannot play at Carnegie Hall unless he “practices, practices, practices” (gives, gives, gives).
The only time this will fail is if you pursue selfish ends that hurt others or bring deficits to others. It is not wrong to profit, but it is wrong to profit unjustly by cheating or deceiving others.
When you are busy with your own selfish plans and schemes, you will fail.
When you allow the Universal to work through you, then you will be able to attain all that you desire.
Give a little and get a lot with Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course.