For you to attain success, you must be guided by the intellect rather than the emotions.
For those of you familiar with e-mail, here is an example with which you will relate.
E-mail is a wonderful way to communicate with someone. When one sends an e-mail, the recipient receives that e-mail almost instantly, thus facilitating quick and easy communication.
If someone should receive an e-mail that makes them angry, though, it is very easy for the person to respond in a very emotional way, which may result in hurt feelings or worse. Common e-mail etiquette states that if one receives an e-mail that makes one angry, rather than replying with an emotional outburst, take a moment — or ten! — and think about what you are writing and what the consequences may be.
The key is that you must think.
While the emotions propel our thoughts and give them life, they must be correct and true thoughts rather than emotional or reflexive outbursts.
Or, as Charles F. Haanel wrote in Point #32 in Week Four of The Master Key System:
The will guided by the intellect will gain the victory.
You will gain a victory with these books because they work.