One Thing You Can Do That Will Increase Your Chances of Success
One Thing You Can Do That Will Increase Your Chances of Success

One Thing You Can Do That Will Increase Your Chances of Success

There are many things that you can do today — right now — that will increase your chances for success.

What is the big one, though?

Is there even a big one?

There is.

It’s something that most people don’t do.

Is it too hard?

Don’t people know any better?

What is it?

It’s theoretically simple, but it is a hard thing to do.

But, once it is done, then success becomes in reach!

So, what is it?

It’s seemingly simple, but oh-so-hard to do.

It’s …

Decide what you want to do.



Yet hard.

You have to make the decision that you are going to do something. You must stand by that decision. You must follow through on that decision and see it to the end. When you do that — and as you do that more and more — you’ll find yourself becoming successful.


Because successful people do what other people are either unwilling or unable to do.

Most people are not able and willing to make a decision — to choose a course of action — and stick to it.

Think about how many people declare New Year’s resolutions. Now, think about those people one, two, three months later. They’ve forgotten their resolutions, haven’t they? They’re unwilling and they’re unable.

But you are willing and able. Because you were meant to be successful.

Please note one thing:

It is not “Decide what you want.”

It is “Decide what you want to do.”

There’s a big — huge! — difference between the two.

While those things that you want may serve as an incentive, it’s not the thing that will bring you success

Only your actions will bring you success!

Whether you want to …

… start a business …

… change careers …

… embark on a career …

… help a charity …

… go on an adventure …

… explore …

… write a book …

… learn a new skill …

… solve a problem …

… go on a date …

… once you make your decision, then the planning is easy.

And when the plan is in place, the doing practically becomes a no-brainer.

Once you decide to do something, you can find someone whom you can model. You can even follow their plan!

If you know where you’re going (what you want to do) and you have a map (a plan), how much will your odds of succeeding increase?

A lot.

Become the person you want to be by your actions — by the things you do — not the things you own.

People on their deathbeds never regret not having things; they regret the things they haven’t done!

Decide what you want to do and do it.

It’s the best — the only — way to become successful.

These books are great because they will help you do it.


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