Now Is Time for Rebirth

Now Is Time for Rebirth

It’s Spring.

It’s Easter.

It’s a time for rebirth.

Many people look at the New Year as a time for change, a time to start anew. They make their resolutions . . .

. . . they make new goals . . .

. . . they plan for change.

That’s fine.

Spring, though, is another — perhaps better — time for true change.

For true rebirth.

Making changes can be hard. You’re asking yourself to be . . . different.

You are altering your habits.

You’re moving into uncharted — and oftentimes uncomfortable — territory.

You are casting away the familiar for the foreign . . .

. . . well-worn paths for terra incognita . . .

. . . the devil you know for the stranger.

Friends and family will look at you differently. They will ask what you’re doing. They’ll talk behind your back. They will say what everyone says when they’re confronted with a person doing something new . . .

You’re crazy.

They may even pull you aside and ask to “have a little talk.”

If you continue with your change, you may feel the rocks that they throw and the barbs that they sling at you. Worse than that, you will feel the doubt inside of you, gnawing and eating, and it will feel like the beating of a bass drum, the hammer of  your own thoughts begging you to return to your “normalcy.”

You’ll push through, though.


And as you leave the old behind you and continue toward the new, you will see yourself reborn . . .

. . . a changed person.

You’ll meet the doubters afterward. Only then, you’ll have proof of your change. And you won’t have to shout it at them, because the proof will be evident for all to see.

Change is hard.

Change is tough.

Change is scary.

But it’s not impossible.

Sometimes you’ll succeed.

Sometimes you’ll fail.

That’s not always the point, though. Sometimes, the point is just in the . . .

. . . doing.

Charles F. Haanel wrote . . .

You can be what you will to be.

Decide what you want to be.

Decide who you want to be

Decide on the changes you will have to make.

Decide on the changes you want to make.

Then . . .

. . . damn the torpedoes and make those changes.

Live the life you want to live.

It’s never too late.

Just like it’s never too early.

To become reborn.

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.

What are you waiting for?

Embark on your journey.

The flower doesn’t await the sun . . .

. . . it reaches for it!

The bee doesn’t laze about the hive . . .

. . . it flies — far and wide to where the golden fields are.

Use this Spring — this Easter — to become reborn.

It’s your time.

You have the knowledge of your power . . .

. . . recognize within yourself the courage to dare . . .

. . . and gather within you the faith to do.

Fortune favors the bold.

Stand proud . . .

. . . hold your head high . . .

. . . and move forward boldly.

A journey of a thousand miles goes by quickly when you have a Billionaire Bookshelf.


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