In Week Seven of The Master Key System, Charles F. Haanel outlines the method you use for visualization.
This is one of the main points that you should learn from reading and studying this book.
How does Mr. Haanel define visualization?
Visualization is the process of making mental images.
There are three steps to making (and using) these mental images.
1. Idealization
This is where you picture in your mind exactly what you want. It must be complete and unwavering, like a blueprint, which is an example that Mr. Haanel uses a couple of times in this section. Another example is a business plan, which is an idealized plan for how a business will use the money it is requesting and the outline for its growth.
2. Visualization
Here you will see your picture completely. As you use your creative imagination to create your image, these thoughts will lead to actions and those actions will lead to results.
3. Materialization
In this step, you get what you want. It may take time, depending on the size and scope of the goal to which you’re aspiring. With persistence, daring, and work, it will happen.
Please note that one word there: work. In point #4, Mr. Haanel wrote:
Work is necessary — labor, hard mental labor, the kind of effort which so few are willing to put forth.
Is Haanel stating that work is necessary and that things will not magically manifest for you?
In point #7, Mr. Haanel expands on the process he delineated.
Thought will lead to action, action will develop methods, methods will develop friends, and friends will bring about circumstances, and finally, the third step, or Materialization, will have been accomplished.
Not only is this the process of visualization and attainment of goals, it is also how faith is developed.
As you build your ideals and think on them …
… as you build your mental pictures …
… as you take actions to gather the means to attain your goals …
… you will experience your faith growing stronger.
As your mental pictures become clearer …
… and as you build and process the means for actualizing them …
… you experience the joy of seeing how things are possible because you begin to understand more and more about how the world — and the process — works.
This is faith growing.
And faith continues to grow as you take action and experience victories and successes.
And finally, your beliefs will become facts, because you will know.
You can read and learn more about mastering visualization with these great books because they are the best books on the subject.