The Entire Philosophy of Charles F. Haanel's Master Key System Summarized in One Sentence
The Entire Philosophy of Charles F. Haanel's Master Key System Summarized in One Sentence

The Entire Philosophy of Charles F. Haanel’s Master Key System Summarized in Just One Sentence

In Week Five of The Master Key System,  Charles F. Haanel summarized the entire philosophy and how it should — and will! — work.

In just one sentence.

Here’s Point 28:

28. All possession is the result of the accumulative attitude of mind, or the money consciousness; this is the magic wand which will enable you to receive the idea and it will formulate plans for you to execute, and you will find as much pleasure in the execution as in the satisfaction of attainment and achievement.

Read that.

Learn that.

Understand that.

This sentence makes clear about which this book is about: brain change and learning to think correctly.

The “money consciousness” to which Mr. Haanel refers is the way you look at the world. You can substitute here just about anything depending on your goal. If you’re main goal deals with health, then you’d want to cultivate your “health consciousness”; if love, then you’d want to work on your “relationship consciousness.”

This consciousness refers to a mental shift that you’ll undergo. You’ll see things differently.

After that, you’ll approach things differently.

And, if you continue, you’ll achieve different — better — results.

In that sentence, Mr. Haanel described the process thought which these changes will happen.

You will get new ideas.

You will formulate plans.

You will take action.

You will work hard.

You will attain our goals.

It’s powerful stuff — and it all begins with thinking.

Thinking properly and clearly.

Learn to think properly because then you will get rich and powerful.