Everybody enjoys a success story. So that’s just what I have for you: a story about a person who attained a goal, a dream.
When Lena came to me last year as a Master Key Mentoring client, she had one goal: to finish the work on her and her husband’s bed & breakfast.
After a year of hard work — both mental and physical — Lena is proud to open the doors to her newly remodeled and renovated bed & breakfast to the public.

If you’re in Europe and you’re looking for a weekend getaway, then this is the place to go. Look at that web site! The work Lena has done is beautiful! From cozy rooms to homemade pastries to horseback riding and golfing, Lena has created for herself and her guests a literal paradise on Earth.

How did she do this?
How silly of you to ask! She did it just the way that Haanel describes in The Master Key System.
She visualized what she wanted. (She set her goal.)

She made plans to make it happen. (She used inductive reasoning to create action steps for the attainment of her goal.)

She took action! (She worked hard because, as Haanel wrote, the law of success is service.)

She solved problems. (When she hit a bump in the road, she didn’t panic; she allowed the Law of Attraction to guide her to a solution.)

The results speak for themselves.
In 2010, make it your mission to select a goal — a big, lofty, worthy, and juicy goal! — and work toward its attainment.
It may not be easy, but the good things in life seldom are easy. You’ll work harder than you ever have before, but all that work is good for the soul. You may have to leave the old behind you, but what’s beyond the horizon may be better than you imagined.
It just may be your little piece of Heaven on Earth.
When you’re in Sweden, pay Lena a visit at Nygard Manorhouse. See what a dream, some right thinking, and some hard work can attain for you.
You’ll be glad that you did.
Sending grateful thoughts to James and Tony for the encouragement and mental support during this accomplishment.
Hi Lena!
We are equally grateful to you. You achieved great Beauty with your hard work. Enjoy it!
Have fun … Tony.