Charles F. Haanel and the Power of Concentration

The Power of Concentration


Going from blurry to crisp.

It’s all about focus.

When you focus your thoughts to one specific purpose, you set yourself up for achieving anything.

Let it be known that your ability to focus is paramount to attaining anything of lasting value.

Unfortunately, we often scatter our thoughts, never concentrating on one goal and following it through. And the results speak for themselves.

But, when we learn to keep our thoughts focused on one aim, then — and only then — will we see the results we desire.

Need proof of this

Listen to or read how the people who “made it” are described. The words …



… and single-minded …

… are often used.

In The Master Key Workbook, I quoted Larry Ellison, the billionaire CEO of Oracle, speaking about Bill Gates.

One thing everyone will say about Mr. Gates, though, is the fact that he is driven and has a laser-like focus when he sets to do something.

Being successful does not require lots of intelligence.

It does not require a new idea.

It does not need other-worldly charm or charisma.

It just needs focus.

Because if you focus what you have on a certain definite aim, then you can accomplish anything.


As it is said in the Bible … “Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.”

Here is howCharles F. Haanel described the power of concentration in Week Twelve of The Master Key System:

The time and thought which most persons waste in aimless effort would accomplish wonders if properly directed with some special object in view. In order to do this, it is necessary to center your mental force upon a specific thought and hold it there to the exclusion of all other thoughts. If you have ever looked through the focusing screen of a camera, you found that when the object was not in focus, the impression was indistinct and possibly blurred; but when the proper focus was obtained the picture was clear and distinct. This illustrates the power of concentration. Unless you can concentrate upon the object which you have in view, you will have but a hazy, indifferent, vague, indistinct, and blurred outline of your ideal and the results will be in accordance with your mental picture.

An example of concentration or focus is to think of sunlight. As the sun pours its light onto the Earth, it gets scattered by the atmosphere. We can gather that light with a lens, though, and focus it into a ray that will readily and easily start a fire.

In The Master Key Workbook, I devised a little exercise to help you exercise the power of concentration. It’s fun and a little rewarding.

Visualize a quarter in your mind. Imagine it vividly and in detail. Keep it ingrained in your mind. Take as long as you want to visualize that quarter, perhaps a few minutes or so.

Next, vividly visualize that you are going to find that quarter on the street.

Imagine the scene of you taking a walk and finding a quarter somewhere, perhaps when you are walking the dog or maybe strolling through the mall.

Look for the quarter when you are walking. Every time you are taking a walk, visualize the quarter.

How long did it take you to find the quarter?

You can use this exercise for just about anything — from finding a parking space in a crowded parking lot to traversing heavy crosstown traffic. (When I use this technique to find a parking space or to get through traffic, I visualize a warm knife sliding easily through butter and I say to myself “I will move through this traffic like a hot knife through butter.” I then mentally — and sometimes physically — repeat the word butter, almost performing a mantra.)

And it works! I do have great “luck” with finding parking spaces. And getting through traffic easily happens with a decent regularity.

So, give these exercises a shot.

A true, honest shot.




Get for yourself the best of everything because you deserve it.