The Singular Power of Commitment with The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel
The Singular Power of Commitment with The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel

The Singular Power of Commitment: How to Attain the Highest Levels in Anything You Do

Week Thirteen — “The Dreams of the Dreamer” — of The Master Key System contains some of Charles F. Haanel‘s most inspiring prose as well as some of his most poignant observations.

It also marks you passing the halfway point of the book. That’s a special milestone.


Because most people don’t make it halfway through The Master Key System.

Frankly, most people stop by Week Four.

There are sundry reasons, just like for anything in life:

  • life interrupts.
  • people get busy with other things.
  • something new and shiny comes along.

Whatever the reason, it’s sad.

More than that, it’s the singular and simple reason why most people do not succeed. At anything. Ever.

I’ve been studying The Master Key System for about twenty years. I’ve been publishing it for over eighteen years. Through all that time, I’ve seen amazing things happen because of an intelligent application of Haanel’s philosophy of success.

I began with nothing — nothing! — and now I not only publish all of the books by Charles F. Haanel, I also publish over a dozen others — with more on the way!

I’ve had books translated and published in so many countries that I can barely count them. China. Japan. India. Russia. Germany.

I’ve been blessed to meet and work with some of the most amazing people you can imagine, like Tracey Jones at Tremendous Leadership.

And I’m not the only one applying Haanel’s ideas and methods. Other people are as well — and they are being greatly rewarded.

  • One person became debt-free, secured over $100,000 in capital, and opened her own medical practice. All in under one year!
  • Another person built her dream business — a beautiful bed & breakfast.
  • Yet another person saved their business from collapsing and then went on to double their profits.
  • A fellow used Haanel’s methods and got his dream job.

The stories I’ve heard and the things I’ve seen would make your head spin.

And they all come down to one thing.


Are you willing to commit to learning this “stuff”?

More importantly, are you willing to commit to applying it?

With all this opportunity around us, most people will not do much better than what they are doing right now.

They don’t commit.

They start one thing. Then they look for something new. They continue on their fool’s quest for the “silver bullet.” They hop from one opportunity to the next, never allowing any one thing to have a chance to set roots.

It’s been said that it takes about ten years — ten thousand hours of study — to become excellent at something. From practicing the violin to building a business, it’s all the same. There is no such thing as an “overnight success.”

Rather, it’s about practice and work and trial and error and commitment …

And mastery is the result.

The greats didn’t just drop from the sky. Even those born with amazing talent and ability had to train and master their gift.

Why is it that we expect things to happen in a fortnight?

A famous saying is

A wise man changes his mind some of the time;
a fool changes his mind all of the time.

It is acceptable to change your mind every so often. If you find that you don’t enjoy something, then move to something else.

But when that becomes a way of life, if you try something then flitter to the next, it will have a detrimental effect on your life.

If this sounds like you, then know this: it’s not too late to stop this and begin practicing commitment!

You can still commit yourself to attaining your dreams.

You can commit to learning this wonderful system of self-mastery.

You can do it.

Start tonight.

Take this message to heart. It is the root of The Master Key System.

Many people — far too many people! — miss it.

Please don’t be one of them.


Study. Apply.


Start now.

Commit to reading one book per week because it’s easy to do and fun.