This is a phenomenal story that Tony Robbins tells about Sylvester Stallone and how the movie Rocky was made. Inspiring and incredible. Please enjoy!

This is a phenomenal story that Tony Robbins tells about Sylvester Stallone and how the movie Rocky was made. Inspiring and incredible. Please enjoy!
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I’ve always liked Tony Robbins a lot. Great, compelling, magnetic personality and has a way of getting you revved up like nobody’s business. He’s done a double service by getting the straight story from Stallone and then recording and publicizing it on this video. Thanks for pointing us to it.
Hi Dan!
Thanks for your comment. I agree. Of all the motivational speakers out there, Tony Robbins has a way about him that inspires and just works.
On a side note, I made a cursory check on the veracity of the story, but couldn’t find anything. Then I asked myself, “Who cares?” It’s just that good of a story that it’s factuality does not matter.
All the BEST!
Have fun … Tony.
Carlon Haas, on his blog “Don’t Step in the Poop,” has debunked Robbins’ tale of the Rocky Myth. You can read about it here –
and here –
I like the real story better than the myth. I have often found that the truth is stranger — and better! — than the fiction. I believe that to be the case here.
Have fun … Tony.
Thanks for getting the word out.
I agree that the true stories are often more interesting. When I think of the real story, it seems Stallone did some things really right…he hired a good agent who protected his script and made sure that his client would star in the movie. And Stallone delivered! Stallone’s belief in himself did help him all right–helped him to create one of the most memorable characters in film.
The studio/Robbins version is a good story, but that’s all it is…a story.
I’ve honestly seen Rocky so many times as a kid and still like the movie. I even thought Rocky Balboa wasn’t bad..Rocky V, well….
Hi Carlon!
I would go so far as to say that Stallone did just about EVERYTHING correctly. 🙂
I posted the Robbins’ story in large part because even though I had my doubts — I, frankly, doubt the veracity just about ALL of the famous personal development stories — I do believe that myths have a certain use, a certain power. Often, these dreams of perfection inspire us to aim higher and do better. We all know that George Washington did not chop down the cherry tree, but that tale does to some degree challenge us to be more honest, to “not tell a lie,” and ultimately be a better person. Even Plato held a place for the “noble lie.”
I find that problems only arise when people mistake the fiction for truth and then base dogma around it.
Carlon, you’re a good fact-checker. There is a tale that has been told for many years now and I was wondering if you can find anything about its veracity. You know the tale very well. It’s the Napoleon Hill/Andrew Carnegie story about how Hill’s book “Think & Grow Rich” came to be. Is this tale true? What can you uncover about it? Your help would be appreciated.
Other than that, I didn’t find “Rocky V” to be that bad. It had it’s moments. For me, the weakest was “III,” the one with Mr. T. That was embarrassing to watch.
All the BEST!
Have fun … Tony.
Hi Tony,
I agree that myth has a place. I like them too! But, like you, I have a problem with a lot of the modern myths because while they do illustrate certain cultural values, they set the bar too high for most people. Like most of those rags to riches stories are bogus. But when you read the real story, you can get a better sense of what it really takes to get what you want.
The Hill story sounds like BS to me. I’ve been meaning to research that for some time.
Rocky III? Love that one. How can you not love MR. T’s famous line: “I reject the challenge because Balboa is no challenge. “
Hi Carlon!
To me, it’s not that myths set the bar too high. It’s that the real facts — the true story — is far more interesting, even if not quite so “magical.” I agree whole-heartly that learning the truth behind the myth showcases what it truly takes to “make it.” I am an avid reader of history and I every time I read about an event and the people that were involved, I am always moved to exclaim, “Wow! You can’t make this shit up!”
The Hill story never rang true for me. Much like most of what was written about Haanel, I find the Hill/Carnegie story to be apocryphal at best.
Oh, and Edison did NOT invent the light bulb.
And Marconi did NOT invent radio.
Rocky III … Dude. Rocky and Apollo Creed running on the beach. ‘Nuff said. 😛
Have fun … Tony.