Why It's Essential for You to Think Big
Why It's Essential for You to Think Big

Why It’s Essential for You to Think Big

Before he became president, Donald Trump told us to Think Big (the title of his 2007 book written with Bill Zanker).

Before even that, Charles F. Haanel implored us to do the same thing in Week 21 of The Master Key System.

When you think big — when you set big goals for yourself — life becomes …

… more fun

… more exciting

… and you bulldoze over the smaller problems in life that you encounter.

In other words, here you are…

… you’re alive

… you’re free to do what you want …

… and you have the ability and talent to do what you set your mind to (whether you know it or not ) …

… so …

… why aim low?

If you have to wake up in the morning whatever you do, then why not think big?

If you’re going to have a certain amount of worries and troubles, why not have them for the sake of something enormous instead of something little?

If you’re going to run the risk of failure, why not fail trying to climb Everest rather than a molehill?

Aim high!

Think big!

Make your plans fantastic and extraordinary!

What’s the best you can envision for yourself?

Take that image and double it!

Triple it!

Why not?

Shoot for the Moon

… because even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

You can do anything you set your mind to because you are an incredible person.