A Complete Plan for Reclaiming and Living a Life of Health and Wellness
In this modern approach to integrative health and wellness, board certified physician Dr. Maiysha Clairborne takes it back to the basics to teach you how to integrate very simple habits into your life that will empower you to reclaim your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
The Wellness Blueprint: The Complete Mind/Body Approach to Reclaiming Your Health & Wellness provides you with a complete wellness plan that has been proven to work. This intuitive and innovative wellness “blueprint” will shift you from being a passive recipient to an active participant in your health and well-being.
Whether you suffer from an ailment or you want to preserve the health that you enjoy, join Dr. Maiysha on an inspired journey of body and mind — one that will result in you reclaiming complete control of your health and wellness.
“…[I]mpressively well written, organized and presented”
Offering a complete and thoroughly ‘user friendly’ plan for reclaiming and living a contemporary life of health and wellness, “The Wellness Blueprint” is impressively well written, organized and presented. Of special note are the chapters on The Different Aspects of Wellness; Boundaries and Balance; and Emotional Intelligence. Very highly recommended for both community and academic library Health & Medicine instructional reference collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that “The Wellness Blueprint” is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99).
Midwest Book Review, Small Press Bookwatch: January 2016
FOUR out of FIVE STARS from Readers’ Favorite!
“This is thus a rather more serious study than one devoted to good health. Interesting acronyms and lively examples make reading this book rather easy and recollecting thereafter even more so.”
Read the full review by Roy T. James at Readers’ Favorite.
“The Wellness Blueprint is a book that will change lives.”
—Dr. Manonmani Antony
“We all seek to create a balance in our lives. The Wellness Blueprint and Dr. Clairborne are the essence of a well-balanced life. Lucky for you (and me), she is helping us to find a simple way to improve our mental, physical, and emotional health. With all the daily stressors in our lives, we can certainly use these simple tools to help us take back control of the way we want to live.
“Let’s take a journey through creating a balance and allowing the process of change as it guides us to nurture our mind, body, and spirit. There is no magic, mystical, or complicated area that will prevent us from taking complete advantage of applying these simple tools to develop an improved self. The power of peace and serenity can be achieved with our commitment to let it happen.
“The Wellness Blueprint will keep you engaged in wanting to learn more about your health while it builds a high level of confidence and serves a remarkable sense of empowerment with an “I can do this” attitude. And the great thing about it: you can!”
—Dr. Dawn Kirnon
FOUR out of FOUR Stars from OnlineBookClub.org
“I would recommend this book to a friend, however, particularly if this friend wanted to understand how to become a healthier person in every way. A lot of health focuses on physical health, which is important, but ignores mental, emotional, or any other kind of health that a person needs to keep up. I truly appreciate this holistic view. The author also delves into the practical side. Her suggestions are something people can actually do, which is very important when it comes to books about health.”
Click here to read the full review.