The Most Important Key That UNLOCKS All Self-Improvement
The Most Important Key That UNLOCKS All Self-Improvement

The Most Important Key That UNLOCKS All Self-Improvement

The Master Key System is an amazing book.

I don’t know if Charles F. Haanel knew that when he wrote it.

Nor do I know if he thought that people would be studying it over one hundred years after he published it.

I do know that it works.

Or, to be more precise, it works when you work it.

And it’s easy, when you get right down to it.

It just takes some practice

… some understanding

… and a dash (or two) of perseverance.

The practice part is obvious. Mr. Haanel provided us with exercises; it’s up to us to practice them and apply them properly.

Understanding comes with time and study.

But it’s that last one — perseverance — that’s the key.

In fact, it’s the key to each and every form of self-improvement.

I’d even go as far to aver that it’s the key to each and every form of success.

Changes don’t happen over-night. They might not happen in a week …

… or a month …

… or even a year.

Behind every successful person, there is a story that spans years. “Overnight” successes are a myth.

It takes persistent effort to make positive changes.

Persistent effort.

Never stopping until a goal is achieved.

Trying. Failing. Then trying again.

Swinging. Missing. Then hitting a home run.

Practicing until perfect.

Learning from mistakes.

Never, never, never quitting.

That’s how winning works.

That’s how winners work.

That’s how you work.

Don’t stop. Keep going.

Always remember that it’s a race of endurance, not speed.

There’s so much room at the top that they’re practically giving space away for free.

And the only thing that’s asked of you to claim your space is to keep going — and not quit.

You can do it.

You will do it.

You will move forward persistently.

And you will win.

Winners read these books because that’s how they learn how to win.